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Half Marathon Training Plan

Half Marathon Training Plan

You committed to running a half you need to perform…where do you start? Right here! I’ve been there, a little overwhelmed by what you just got yourself into and totally confused as to how your going to pull it off. Don’t worry it can be fun…hopefully my half marathon training plan makes it a little less intimidating and more enjoyable (yes running can be enjoyable when you train properly)!

A Few Suggestions:

  • It is ok to take walk breaks if you need to – listen to your body *

  • Keep a running journal/log. This is not necessary, but keeps you aware of how your body is adapting to your training.

  • Make sure you fuel yourself properly while learning to run longer distances. For runs under 60 minutes you should be ok with just water. For runs longer than 60 minutes – which many of yours will be. Your body is going to need carbohydrates to break down into glycogen so your muscles will have continuous fuel to keep you from hitting the wall. Try Gu’s, gummy bears, licorice, or dried fruit.

  • Always carry enough water… or you can try to talk your partner into meeting you at certain points throughout your long run to bring you water (I did this and it was really nice to see a familiar face after running alone for what seemed like hours).

  • ALWAYS begin with a warm up, I suggest a 5 minute walk before you begin your run. And ALWAYS cool down, 5 minute walk then STRETCH. Trust me it is worth the extra minutes.

Half Marathon Training Plan Week 1:

Monday – weights or rest

Tuesday – 30 minutes easy

Wednesday – weights or rest

Thursday – 10 minutes easy, 10 minutes faster, 10 minutes easy

Friday – 2 miles easy

Saturday – weights or rest

Sunday – long run, 4 miles

Week 2:

Monday – weights, or rest

Tuesday – 10 minutes easy, 5 minutes with strides (pick up pace for approx 10 seconds), 10 minutes easy

Wednesday – weights or rest

Thursday – 2 miles easy + 4 x 15 second sprints after

Friday – 3 miles easy

Saturday – weights or rest

Sunday – Long run, 5 miles

Week 3:

Monday – weights or rest

Tuesday – 15 minutes easy, 15 minutes hills (run up, walk down), 5 minute easy

Wednesday – weights or rest

Thursday – 3 miles easy + 4 x15 seconds sprints within run

Friday – 3 miles easy

Saturday – weights or rest

Sunday – long run, 6 miles

Week 4:

Monday – weights or rest

Tuesday – 10 minutes easy, 15 minutes faster pace, 10 minutes easy

Wednesday – weights or rest

Thursday – 4 miles + 6×15 second strides within run

Friday – 3 miles easy

Saturday – weights or rest

Sunday – long run, 6 miles

Week 5 :

Monday – weights or rest

Tuesday – 30 minutes easy with 10 x 15 second strides within

Wednesday – weights or rest

Thursday – 4 miles easy + 10 minutes hill sprints

Friday – 3 miles easy

Saturday – weights or rest

Sunday – long run, 7 miles Week 6 :

Monday – weights or rest

Tuesday – 4 miles with 6 x 30-90 second sprints throughout

Wednesday – weights or cross train

Thursday – 4 miles easy + 10 minutes hill sprints

Friday – 3 miles easy

Saturday – weights or rest

Sunday – long run, 8 miles

Week 7 :

Monday – weights or rest

Tuesday – 1 mile easy, 1 mile faster, 1 mile easy, 2 miles faster, 1 mile easy

Wednesday – weights or rest

Thursday – 5 miles easy + 10 minutes stairs

Friday – 3 miles easy

Saturday – weights or rest

Sunday – long run, 9 miles

Week 8 :

Monday – weights or rest

Tuesday – 4 miles with 8 x’s 1 minute fast pace

Wednesday – weights or rest

Thursday – 4 miles +6 x 30 second sprints at end

Friday – 3 miles easy

Saturday – weights or rest

Sunday – long run, 7 miles

Week 9 :

Monday – weights or rest

Tuesday – 5 miles with 6 x 30-90 second sprints throughout

Wednesday – weights or rest

Thursday – 5 miles easy

Friday – 3 miles easy

Saturday – weights or rest

Sunday – long run, 11 miles

Week 10 :

Monday – weights or rest

Tuesday – 1 mile easy, 1.5 mile faster, 1 mile easy, 20 minutes hills, .5 mile easy

Wednesday – weights or rest

Thursday – 5 miles with 8 x 20 second sprints throughout

Friday – 3 miles easy

Saturday – weights or rest

Sunday – long run, 12 miles

Week 11 :

Monday – weights or rest

Tuesday – 3 miles with 8 x 30 second sprints throughout

Wednesday – weights or rest

Thursday – 8 miles easy

Friday – 3 miles easy

Saturday – weights or rest

Sunday – long run, 10 miles

Week 12 :

Monday – weights or rest

Tuesday – 3 miles easy

Wednesday – weights or rest

Thursday – 4 miles easy

Friday – 2 miles easy

Saturday – REST

Sunday – 1/2 Marathon!

Wahoo, you worked hard so rest now for a few days and relish in your accomplishment

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